What is Core Messaging?
What exactly do we mean when we talk about "core messaging”? Imagine being crystal clear on the words you can use to answer questions like, "So what do you do?" in a way that engages interest. Your Core Messaging is a collection of messaging you can use on every piece of your marketing or sales collateral to make your brand message clear, consistent, and compelling. Our process for this work includes becoming an expert on your 5 Ps. We dig into your audiences (people), their problem as it relates to your service (problem), the unique way you approach solving their problem relative to competitors (product), the transformation your audience experiences as a result (pay-off) and your brand's archetype and voice (persona).
✔️ Your Purpose Statement or Core Belief. The crux of all your messaging. This aspirational statement captures why you exist and why your work matters in the lives of your audiences and the world at large.
✔️ Your Positioning Statement or One Liner. This statement packs a punch – it covers what you do, whom you do it for, how you do it, and why it matters ... in just 1-2 sentences! It's what you can use on the homepage of your website to give your audience peace of mind knowing they are in the right place.
✔️ Your Key Differentiators. This answers, "Why us?" We will understand what you do tactically as a business to claim the position you claim so your customers know what to expect when they work with you.
✔️ An elevator pitch that outlines the problem you solve, the solution you provide, and the success of your customer’s experience. This one is worth memorizing. Everyone on your team needs to know the journey you take your audience on and be able to articulate it in a way that's on brand. All of this gives us what we need to craft the following messaging you can grab on the go as you create any strategic marketing collateral. We often recommend having your entire staff memorize this messaging for team unity and same-say with your audiences on every platform or interaction.
We’d love to chat about the needs of your business and how we can partner with you to accomplish them!